To guarantee an optimal result of your surgery, without unpleasant surprises, it would be better to choose the best plastic surgeon in Tunisia who will guide you in your choice of treatment and will ensure the follow-up. The plastic surgeon in Tunisia is the key element of a successful operation!
With this in mind, Med Assistance has selected for you the best plastic surgeons in Tunisia. Highly qualified and experienced, the Tunisian plastic surgeons will be present during the different stages of the process ready to answer all your questions concerning the surgical act and its aftermath and to fulfill your expectations.
In reality, the work of the plastic surgeon in Tunisia starts from the day of your first consultation during which he establishes the preoperative assessment to decide on the adequate treatment according to your case and your expectations.
During the first meeting with the specialist, a diagnosis is established in accordance with your expectations. If necessary, the plastic surgeon in Tunisia will ask for the analyses and the X-rays necessary for the good progress of the operation. Throughout this procedure the patient will be accompanied by a psychological support from the medical and paramedical team in a clinic of cosmetic surgery in Tunisia of very high level.
Our best Tunisian cosmetic surgeons work in hygienic and sterilization conditions that comply with international standards.
Following the operation, the team will accompany you during the post-operative process punctuated by the visits of the Tunisian plastic surgeon to follow the evolution and the nursing care carried out at the hotel until the recovery and the visualization of the final result.
Signs of aging, scars and disfigurements have no secret for our experts. The interventions of the plastic surgeon in Tunisia consist in reconstructing and correcting certain parts of the human body affected by a malformation or an accident.
Whatever your motivation for plastic surgery: small complexes that spoil your life, the effects of pregnancy, excess fat, marks of aging etc… Our plastic surgeons in Tunisia will find a solution to make you more fulfilled in your body and have a different vision of yourself.
Tunisian plastic surgeons are ranked among the best in the world. They are solicited by patients of different nationalities for their expertise. Indeed, our Tunisian plastic surgeons master the most advanced treatment techniques and modern technologies ensuring safety and optimization of the result of the operation.
Indeed, cosmetic surgeons in Tunisia have proven their ability to carry out various delicate and complex aesthetic operations. They have the gift of putting their patients at ease and guiding them in their choices; nevertheless, they are constantly evolving by innovating their techniques.
The international affluence is also due to the cheap and competitive prices of medical care in Tunisia. But this does not imply poor service, on the contrary our Tunisian plastic surgeons work with the best clinics and we offer high quality services: safety, comfort and satisfaction guaranteed.
For your cosmetic surgery in Tunisia, Med Assistance puts at your disposal a panoply of aesthetic doctors of various specialties:
These Tunisian plastic surgeons, very competent, with long years of experience, are able to guarantee safe interventions that respect international standards with optimal results, totally in line with your expectations.
The consultation with the plastic surgeon in Tunisia is an important moment for both the patient and the doctor. The detailed information gathered during this consultation and the decisions made are often crucial. It is important that the patient feels comfortable during the consultation, that he or she is prepared for the interview and that he or she expresses himself or herself freely on topics related to his or her aesthetic and health problems. The best way to prepare for a consultation with a plastic surgeon in Tunisia is to look at yourself in front of a mirror – to think about what is bothering you, what kind of change you want to see. Part of the consultation is about your health, which is important for a safe surgery, anesthesia and recovery. To do this, the Tunisian plastic surgeon will ask you about your health, harmful habits (smoking, alcohol), medications used, previous illnesses, surgeries, allergies, etc. In short, everything about your health.
The number of post-operative visits by the Tunisian plastic surgeon depends on the procedure performed. Most patients need a dressing 24 hours after the procedure, in some cases later. It is important for us to know that your recovery is normal, without complications. And as far as recovery after surgery is concerned, each procedure requires a shorter or longer recovery period. This cannot be accelerated or avoided. Follow the postoperative instructions of the plastic surgeon in Tunisia to ensure optimal results. Most surgeries require a recovery period of one to two weeks. If you cannot afford enough time to recover, less traumatic procedures that take less time to recover are more appropriate for you. The recovery period for each patient is individual.
Med Assistance : Clinique de tourisme médical en Tunisie. Nous travaillons avec les meilleurs chirurgiens esthétiques tunisiens.
Notre clinique offre à ses patients un séjour esthétique de luxe en Tunisie.
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